How Going Green Can Improve Your Life

Health and wellness, environmental impact, energy consumption, the economy - these are but a few major things that have a direct effect when we choose to go green. But what are these effects that we will be getting if we make a significant change in our lifestyle? Here are some of the benefits of choosing… Continue reading How Going Green Can Improve Your Life

Nagging Ladies – Reasons Why You Need to Lay Off the Little Things

Everybody hates a nagger; and no matter what you do, those frustrating little things are simply inevitable. So every time you feel like losing your temper, be reminded of all these reasons to dismiss the urge to blabber. It causes stress Magnifying the petty things is one of the common reasons why we easily get… Continue reading Nagging Ladies – Reasons Why You Need to Lay Off the Little Things

Wealth, Knowledge or Love?

If you are to choose between unlimited wealth, immeasurable knowledge, or everlasting love, what would it be and why? To answer that question, let me share with you the story of a man who went looking for fulfillment, and let us see what he found. Once there was a man with a wife and a… Continue reading Wealth, Knowledge or Love?

10 Ways To Save Yourself From Trouble

Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living". Over-thinking is a good thing if it leads you to self-reflection. On my struggle to survive in the world of the grown-ups, I have put together ways that helped me deal with "life". Here they are: #1. Be consistent Avoid emotional extremities and maintain self-control. #2.… Continue reading 10 Ways To Save Yourself From Trouble

14 Ways To Be Miserable

Most commonly, people will be asking and telling about ways on how to be happy as it is expected that majority of humans are feeling miserable with their lives. But here I found one interesting article that, contrary to what people seek, is teaching us how to be miserable, instead. Interesting, isn't it? Keep reading… Continue reading 14 Ways To Be Miserable

Make Reading Cool for Middle School

One of the saddest things in modern education is that reading is going to be extinct soon. With all the handheld devices, sure, kids will know how to read, but will they ever sit down with a real life paper book and read, cover to cover, a great classic? Will everything be on the iPad?… Continue reading Make Reading Cool for Middle School

The Cost of Fame: Why Take Down Flappy Bird

After reading Mashable's 28 Days of Fame: The Strange, True Story of 'Flappy Bird', all my speculations about its sudden removal in the App Store and Google Play became crystal clear. Bam! Ever watched Disney's, Chicken Little? The story's about a young chicken who can't do most of the things he want because he's too… Continue reading The Cost of Fame: Why Take Down Flappy Bird

What To Do On A Rainy Day?

There's a famous quotation that says, "It's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain". Obviously, it's meaning doesn't come literally. The quotation is more of a metaphor. But, how about if it's literally raining, you can't go anywhere so you just have to stay at… Continue reading What To Do On A Rainy Day?

Comfort Food For Rainy Days

Looking for foods to warm up a rainy day and brighten the gloomy skies? Here are few suggestions:   Hot Ramen Perfect for noodle lovers! Ramen soup is made from stock based on chicken or pork, combined with a variety of meat, and onions, and flavored with salt, miso, or soy sauce.   Filipino Beef… Continue reading Comfort Food For Rainy Days

Reflection: My Prayer

This is my prayer for you:   smiles when sadness intrudes, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when spirit sags, friendships to brighten your being, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, comfort on difficult days, rainbows to follow the clouds, sunsets to warm your heart, beauty for your eyes to see, faith… Continue reading Reflection: My Prayer